Division 2

Division 2 Winners 2002 XXXX
Tracey Williams, Emily Allen, Donna Shanley
Marion Lucht, Jalla Blake

Team and Individual Scores

Division 2
Division 1
Up Coming Events

Download a copy of the draw

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Meat Ants Green Ants Sugar Ants Fire Ants Bull Ants Flying Ants Jumping Ants White Ants
Karen Schefe Lawson Black Nolene Blake Marion Lutch Kim Dound  Tracey Sipple Anna Gorry Scott Ferguson
Dave Woodside Lyn Gorringe Caitlin Breitkreutz Emily Allen Nicole Breitkreutz Harvey Harlo John Morrow Maureen Busiko
Tony Nichols Dale O’Brien Brette Shanley Lynda Allen Karol Cummings Korey Hurle Kerri-Leigh Busiko Sean Breitkreutz
Trish Scott Stephanie Breitkreutz Michelle Gorry Tania O"Sullivan Garry Dailvie Christopher Coupe Tracey Williams Gwen Waldron
Kath Morrow Nancy Green Katie Waldron Andrew Busiko Jalla Blake Stephen Coupe Dean Lake Kim Porter
Date Supper Play First Draw
30/7 1 5 1V7 5V4 2V3 6V8
6/8 2 4 1V4 7V2 6V5 3V8
13/8 3 3 1V3 4V2 7V6 5V8
20/8 4 2 1V2 3V5 4V6 7V8
27/8 5 1 1V6 5V7 3V4 2V8
3/9 6 5 1V5 2V6 3V7 4V8
10/9 7 4 7V4 6V3 5V2 1V8
17/9 8 3 1V7 5V4 2V3 6V8
School Holidays
8/10 1 2 1V4 7V2 6V5 3V8
15/10 2 1 1V3 4V2 7V6 5V8
22/10 3 5 1V2 3V5 4V6 7V8
29/10 4 4 1V6 5V7 3V4 2V8
5/11 5 3 1V5 2V6 3V7 4V8
12/11 6 2 7V4 6V3 5V2 1V8
19/11 Players 5 Semi Finals
26/11 Players 5 Finals
3/12 Everyone 5 Grand Finals

Things to note


Please take responsibility to arrange a reserve.  Do not forget a courtesy call to both your opponent and the courts on 4622 3332 if you know that you will come late.  Please note that play start at 7.00pm sharp.  You risk a forfeit if you turn up late.  So, make yourself punctual for the sake of the other players and your team.
If you have supper duty, please bring a plate of food.  This helps the social aspect of the game.

The game price remains at $6.00
Subscriptions are $25 seniors and $20 Juniors (at school) to be paid by the third game.
$10 of this goes to public liability insurance costs.
Reserves have to pay $12.50 after their 3rd game.
Reserves have to pay the balance ($12.50) if placed in a team.

Line 1                        Line2
Denise Brietkreutz      Karen Becky
Tina McIntosh            
Cathy Black               
Line 3                         Line 4
Donna Shanley              Matt Cummings
Steve Thornthawaite    Matt Waldron 
Barry Cummings           Linda Stansbie
Cathy Peak
Line 5                      
Marietta Thompson
Jessica Stansbie





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This site was last updated 08/27/03